Saturday, October 17, 2009

How USM faces her students?

First, I need to clarify that I do love USM.

What I mentioned here is what my friends facing,
From undergraduate to post graduate.

Case No.1, How Sport Unit USM, handle us?

Just the key point, staff frame up student, then student been scolded by head. When defense, head will believe students or staffs? Usually staffs, I feel student is not their assets in their mind yet...

Case No.2, How Faculty staff, handle us?

When there is a whistle blower, the whole school staff will follow what our beloved P.M said, '1 Malaysia', but they are '1 school'. How to do that? but setting up the whistle blower as enemy. warn him/her, threaten him/her, give him/her problem when they need approval from school.
Another case that students are not treated as students.

Case No.3, How Supervisor for post graduate, handle post graduate?

When you finish your project, he/she will add on more work for you, and promise to publish a paper for you. Let say there is another P.H.D student under same supervisor. After you get all your works done and happily want to proceed to publication. your supervisor give all the work result to the P.H.D student to publish. AND no acknowledgement for you, althought you are the one did all the work, while the P.H.D did not.
Oh, this is very very unethical, as researchers, publication is very important. In order to become co-author, you need to involved in the projects, not just sit there and wait for the results.

There were other cases that I cannot remember, even as lifeguard duty in USM swimming pool, the 'professor' who came to swim will try to show off that he is a prof. Lifeguards want to make sure the safety and hygiene of the swimmer, so have to check and ask him politely. he ask lifeguard name, and say i'm a professor from KANITA. So what?

Even when high level people suggest an idea, the higher authority reject, but after sometime, the project idea have been used and never acknowledge the idea giver, some more took all the credit for it.

USM, you should treat students as your assests, not your burdens.
And Please don't use APEX to threaten your students anymore! You think student activists don't have any credit for getting the APEX status? Where are you when the judges ask students opinions? Where are you when the judges interviewing student activists?

I cannot see any sight that USMers want to change their ways of thinking, look at the attitude of some security guards towards students and those who drive nice cars, you can spot the differences!

Think of some scenes while I became as vice captain of USM swimming pool... I think should put up a post about why I dont like to go USM swimming pool next time... hehe...

USM wake up please!

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